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See: Community celebrates Squamish SAR's new Land Rover Defender

'Thanks to everyone who came out; it was a great evening' : Squamish SAR.

As far as debuts go, this one is being called a "huge success."

Squamish Search and Rescue held its community celebration Wednesday night to introduce locals to its new Land Rover Defender, which the volunteer organization won in November.

The group got to drive home the vehicle after receiving the most public votes in the 2023 Defender Service Awards.

SAR's Gerald Wolfe emailed The Squamish Chief to say that the family-friendly reveal event was a "huge success."

In addition to seeing the shiny new decked-out ride in person, there were fun activities for kids and attendees got to watch ground search and rescue demos in action. 

"Thanks to everyone who came out; it was a great evening and we had a lot of our community donate their time and equipment to make this celebration event happen," he said.


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