Many cultures throughout the ages have looked upon their older citizens with a great deal of respect and admiration. They are the ones presumed to have accumulated the most knowledge and experience and are, therefore, considered to be the wisest of persons. It would be satisfying to reach a point in life when age was held in highest esteem.
On the other hand, so much of today's new knowledge is of such a technical nature that it is often easier to defer to our grandchildren when attempting to unravel the mysteries of such things as DVD players, a new computer program, the features on a digital camera or cell phone and what on earth is an MP3?
Ah, but while we may not even want to become competent in such areas, we older folks are nonetheless greatly able to look back and discern which of life's complexities are the important ones, and try to pass a love of one's self and our fellow man on to our children and grandchildren and for some, great grandchildren.
The activities available this week to help keep our brains and bodies in shape as we pursue long life and happiness, and hopefully into the bargain, respect and admiration are:
Women on Wheels (WOW) will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Monday (Sept. 5), again at Canadian Tire, but this time for a local ride. Contact person: Shirley at 604-898-5715.
Members only of the Healthy Brain Program for Early Dementia will meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday (Sept. 6) at the Tantalus Senior Center. Anyone thinking of joining this group is asked to contact Patricia Stoop or Donna Howard at 604-892-2293.
The Howe Sound Retired Teachers Association will meet at noon on Tuesday (Sept. 6) at the Furry Creek Restaurant. Newly retired teachers, as well as teachers from other school districts now living in this area, are encouraged to join in on this gathering of former colleagues. Contact person: Barbara at 604-898-5029.
After a summer recess, the Hilltop House Support Society will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday (Sept. 8) at Hilltop House. This group meets on the second Thursday of each month and would dearly love new members. They would also like it known that their annual Fall Harvest Tea will be held on Saturday, October 15. Pie and tea and coffee will be served but contributions for the craft and baked goods tables would be greatly appreciated so now is the time to start thinking about that! More details will be forth coming as the time draws nearer.
The Tantalus Walking Club will meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday (Sept. 8) at the end of Brennan Road in Brackendale for a walk along Judd Slough. Contact person: Joyce at 604-898-5594.
The Hearts in Motion Walking Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Friday (Sept. 9) at the dike end of Cherry Drive in the Raven's Nest area of Valleycliffe. Contact persons: Maureen at 604-815 0152 or Stephanie at 604-898-1268.
The Fall schedule for the Tantalus Senior Center will not be completely formulated until after the Fall Open House, traditionally held sometime in October, at which additional ideas and suggestions for new activities will be encouraged from those attending. So, now is the time to start thinking. Is there is something not already offered that you, or a group of you, would be interested in attending or organizing? While there is still lots of time, please notify Ray Miles at 604-898-4316 so that it can be offered at the Open House. Only those activities with enough interest shown in them can, of course, go ahead on a regular basis. Watch this space for news of further developments!
In the meantime, at the Tantalus Senior Center, the following activities are already off and running and hoping for additional interest from new members:
Arts & Crafts Group (nicknamed by some as the Craftie Ladies!), meet every Monday, year round, at 1 p.m. for crafts, cards, socializing and the occasional lunch out.
Duplicate Bridge, drop in every Monday at 7 p.m., starting again Sept. 12.
Crib, drop in every Tuesday at 1 p.m., starting again Sept. 6.
Bridge, drop in every Friday at 1 p.m., starting up again Sept. 9. Whist, drop in every Friday at 7:30 p.m., starting again Sept. 9.
The Sikh men meet at 1 p.m. everyday, year round, for Cards and socializing.
The Legion wishes everyone to know that Bingo will be held on Monday (Sept. 19); doors open at 5:30 p.m. with Bingo starting at 6:30 p.m. Contact person: Edith Moule at 604-898-3048. This will likely be an every two weeks event; watch for further announcements to come.
With these activities to choose from, your calendars should be well marked up by now, but do save space as there is more to come!