B.C.’s largest earthquake drill is happening on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 10:20 a.m., and Squamish is participating once again.
The Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill occurs annually to remind B.C. residents to drop, cover and hold on if a major earthquake were to happen. This year’s Squamish exercise will include a test of the SquamishAlert emergency notification system for all residents that are subscribed.
“This quick one-minute exercise could be the one that saves lives in the event of a real emergency, and reminds you to take a moment to ensure you’re prepared,” said Megan Latimer, the director of public safety for the District of Squamish, in a news release.
“We encourage all residents to build or update their emergency kits, understand the hazards, and make an emergency plan with their household to ensure they’re well equipped for the first 72 hours of any natural disaster.”
According to the release, approximately 7,025 residents have already signed up for SquamishAlert, the local emergency alert system. It provides emergency information and instructions by voice, email and text.
Mountain FM will be broadcasting an audio simulation of an earthquake around 10:20 a.m. and district employees will be participating across all municipal buildings.
To sign up for the SquamishAlert emergency notification system, download the Voyent Alert! App or visit Squamish.ca/Alert. Additionally, to learn about emergency preparedness or Squamish’s evacuation plans, visit Squamish.ca/Evacuate.