A COVID-19 exposure has occurred on a school bus that serves Howe Sound Secondary, according to a letter The Chief obtained.
On Dec. 2, parents were sent a letter from Vancouver Coastal Health saying that an exposure occurred on Bus #2, which serves the Garibaldi Estates.
The exposure occurred Nov. 26 and 27, both to and from school, the letter states.
School District 48 spokesperson Jennifer Morris confirmed the details in the letter were correct.
"Please be reassured that the current COVID safety plans in our schools and on our buses, when followed correctly, are very effective in preventing transmission," reads the letter.
"Public Health is working closely with the school to identify any close contacts among staff or students. Anyone identified as a close contact will be notified directly by public health and asked to isolate for 14 days from their last date of possible exposure."
The letter says that if you do not receive a call from public health, your risk of exposure is considered to be very low and the health authority does not recommend isolating at this time unless told to do so.
It also urges people to avoid seeking testing if they do not have symptoms.
"Testing is not recommended while asymptomatic because results are not accurate or useful," the letter said.