Sylvie Paillard
[email protected]
The Squamish Historical Society needs your help.
The society is holding its inaugural meeting Thursday (March 2) and organizer Bianca Peters said she's adamant that anyone with stories, photographs or relics of Squamish past must attend.
"With 2010 around the corner, I want the people who visit our community to know that the first trails were laid by the Squamish First Nations; the first roads were constructed by loggers; the first buildings were built by pioneers," said Peters.The society is off to a good start. Peters said she is encouraged by the "overwhelming" support she has received following media coverage of her proposal at the beginning of February. To date, Squamish Savings has donated $1,000 in seed money and a local gallery has offered 1,500 square feet of free space to be used as a temporary display suite for the proposed Squamish Museum and Archives.
"I just want to thank everyone in the community who has been so supportive of the concept of preserving Squamish's history," said Peters. "Everyone that I've talked about the Squamish Historical Society to is just as overwhelmed as I am by the potential of our history being lost in the shadow of the death of our natural resource sector economy, the promotion of high density development and the push towards tourism."
For more information, contact Bianca Peters by email at [email protected].