"What do we want? Speed bumps! When do we want them? Now!"
More than one dozen Squamish seniors are waving placards and chanting this hour at the crosswalk on Third Avenue, in front of the Westwinds Senior Living residence.
They are calling on drivers to slow down and for the District of Squamish to install traffic calming measures, such as speed bumps. The stretch of road is not only in front of two seniors' homes but is also a popular route to school for children.
In response, Mayor Armand Hurford said the muni hears the residents' concerns.
"District staff have been polling residents about traffic safety concerns as part of a project to review speed limits, and we have heard about numerous areas of concern across the community," Hurford said in a statement sent to The Squamish Chief.
"Council is expecting to hear from staff in the coming weeks and will ensure the feedback from today is brought into that discussion."