In addition to a need for activities that involve both physical activity and brain stimulation, a good social network is strongly advised for when one retires. A community such as Squamish usually has many offerings that meet these requirements and the various interest groups are also continually trying to expand and refine their activities to meet the wide age and ability range of the populace. Classes dedicated to seniors are very beneficial but so too are activities, within the ability range, that put seniors in the company of younger people. All involved gain from the experience.
The Vancouver Coast Health Seniors' Creative Solutions committee will meet at the Tantalus Seniors' Centre on Monday (Feb 20) from 11 a.m. to noon to hear guest speaker, Ifigenia Fasogiannis, from Social Development Canada speak on the topic of Seniors' Programs and Benefits. Fasogiannis will address pensions, disability benefits and old age security.
The Genealogy group will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Monday (Feb 20) at the Tantalus Seniors' Centre. Contact Mima at 604-898- 3280..
The Over the Hill Hikers will meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday (Feb 21) on Cherry Drive, at the end of Westway Avenue in Raven's Plateau, Valleycliffe, for a Crumpet Woods walk to the Hydro Dam. Contact Lesley at 604-898-1628 or Ray at 604-898-4316. .
Members of the Healthy Brain Program for Early Dementia will meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday (Feb. 21) at the Tantalus Seniors' Centre. Contact Donna or Patricia at 604-892-2293..
Regular members, new ones also welcome, of Branch 70 of the Senior Citizens' Association of B.C. will meet for a pot luck lunch at noon on Tuesday (Feb 21) in the Seniors' Cedman Lounge, 38209 Third Ave.; a business meeting will follow at 1 p.m. Contact June at 604-898-1535..
The Line Dancers will meet at 1 p.m. on Wednesday (Feb 22) at the Tantalus Seniors Centre. Regular attendees now have five western and five swing numbers they can exercise to with varying degrees of confidence. These ten dances will be reviewed and refined this week before moving on to some Hawaiian numbers including one considered a Hawaiian Tai Chi and suitable for a daily tension releaser. Newcomers are welcome. Anyone willing to teach a dance to the group would be most appreciated. Contact Barbara at 604-898-5029..
The Caregivers' Support Group will meet at 1:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the Tantalus Seniors' Centre on Wednesday (Feb 22). Contact Donna or Patricia at 604-892-2293..
The Chronic Medical Conditions organization is offering "Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions" at the Squamish Public Library. It's a five-week course held every Thursday from Feb. 23 to March 30, 9:15 to 11:45 a.m. Participants must register by calling 1-866-902-3767 or emailing [email protected]..
The Tantalus Walking Club will meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday (Feb 23) at the end of Galbraith Road at the entrance to the Nexen Lands for a flat walk around the beach. Contact Joyce at 604-898-5594..
For a great but inexpensive lunch - $5 for homemade soup, sandwiches, goodies and beverages - join your friends at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday (Feb 23) at the Tantalus Seniors' Centre for their monthly Soup and Sandwich fund raising event. Contact Ray or Julie at 604-898-4316..
Call Elaine at 604-898-5463 if wanting to sign up for any of the bus trips sponsored and subsidized by Branch 70 of the Seniors Citizens' Association of BC. February 18 is the last day to call to be included in the group traveling on Saturday (March 18) to Fraser Downs for Sulky Racing/Casino and Buffet Lunch. .
Wednesday (March 22) - Coquitlam Casino; c/o March 15. Sunday (May 7 - Stars on Ice; c/o April 26. Wednesday (May 17) - Richmond River Rock Casino; c/o May 10. .
Upcoming events that have yet to get a date are: Cabaret at the Stanley Theatre, possibly in late May, and Cirque Du Soleil - Varekia, which is Romany for "wherever", for sometime in June or July.