A rockslide on Ashlu Creek created a lake of water threatening to flood Highway 99, the transportation route to the 2010 Games. Games organizers are worried and the District of Squamish has declared a state of emergency.
This scenario was part of Exercise Silver, a massive security exercise underway involving police, emergency crews, district staff and soldiers. It is the second of three full-scale exercises designed to test security, safety and emergency responses to incidents that might arise during the 2010 Games.
The program included around 1,000 participants across Canada and 60 staff from Squamish from all levels of government.
"It's easy to point to bricks and mortar in terms of Olympic legacies but this is an important part in preparedness for the Olympics. There is a general awareness in the world that we need to be better at addressing emergencies," said Mayor Greg Gardner during a press conference Thursday (Feb. 12).
Squamish is home to only one of two Emergency Operation Centres in the province and Jim Lang, Squamish Emergency Program Co-ordinator, said Squamish has an important role in responding to potential situations during the 2010 Games.
"This exercise is about getting ourselves ready so we can play in the game. A big part in a real emergency is coordination, which is why these Olympic exercises are so valuable," Lang said.
Exercise Bronze took place in November 2008 and looked at security structures, while Exercise Gold is scheduled for 2009 and will confirm readiness of plans and personnel for the Games. Much of Exercise Silver focused on information sharing across government and non-governmental agencies.
"I think Squamish has done well in this exercise and this training will be one of the legacies of the Olympics," Gardner said. " We found out where are strengths and weaknesses are and how we can improve."
Best practices and lessons learned from the exercise will be shared with federal, provincial and municipal partners and incorporated into their plans to ensure a secure 2010 Winter Games.