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Change of course urged

Editor's note: This is a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. It was copied to The Chief for publication.

Editor's note: This is a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. It was copied to The Chief for publication.

Have we reached the limits of human intelligence? Is the economy the most important aspect of life on this planet? Are we crazy?

There is no defensible reason to risk destroying our lands, waterways, water tables, fish and wildlife habitat - all that will feed the generations to come - with an oil pipeline and tankers in B.C. None!

Count me as one citizen - of many - who will stand with the First Nations wherever they make their stand against this outrageous plan for pipelines and tankers in our province. Business could learn a lot from their culture about what is of real value on our priceless Earth, but instead arrogantly strips away their and others' rights, blindly chasing financial gain. Greed drives this despicable project.

Please re-think this issue from the perspective of holding our environment in trust for those generations who follow. Our (and your) hope for the future depends on seeing clearly the future consequences of your decisions. Contrary to what many men have been conditioned to believe, business and profits are not what life is all about. The evidence of the harm that attitude does is plain to see around the world. Let's do better!

Please find the courage to take a life-affirming stand and change course.

Gail Cotter

West Vancouver

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