Re. "Fluoridation helps fight tooth decay," Health Matters, Chief, Dec. 30.
I was thoroughly disappointed to see this article, clearly written by someone in a public position with Coastal Health who is simply talking his government's book on a position that is so flawed that it would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.
Martiquet references "extensive research" but gives no details whatsoever about what this research is.
Here is a link from a credible source that offers specific details on just how harmful flouridation is on health. Please see www.goo.gl/fCLoN. It cites more than 100 published studies indicating the harm flouridation can cause on the human body including reducing IQ in children and bringing into question the dental benefits. If you need to use flouride, it is far safer to use it topically (i.e. in tooth paste) as opposed to poisoning the water supply.
According to Dr. Mercola MD, researchers noted:
"In the review, no conclusion could be reached about the effectiveness of fluoride supplements in preventing tooth decay in young children (less than six years of age) with deciduous teeth. Moreover, insufficient evidence exists to show whether or not using fluoride supplements in young children (less than six years of age) could mottle teeth (fluorosis), an effect of chronic ingestion of excessive amounts of fluoride."
It is really too bad that articles like "Flouridation helps fight tooth decay," which are clearly little more than propaganda to maintain the status quo at the cost of our health, still make it past editors' desks. It is also a sad indictment on an agency (Vancouver Public Health) that is entrusted with our health.
Shame on the Chief for publishing it!Matt Blackman
Garibaldi Highlands