On Wednesday (Sept. 25) at 8:30 p.m. I was travelling south on Highwa 99 while on my way to work. I just started to come to the turn in front of the civic centre soccer fields when I noticed off to the side a large, dark mass moving toward the road. I slowed and saw that it was a very large bull elk trying to make its way across the highway. It got past our southbound lane as I was lucky to have spotted it, and the fellow behind me also saw what was going on. For such a large animal I was surprised how it struggled to get over the centre barrier, then in a flash a northbound car came around the bend and hit it. From the sound of the crash, I thought the elk was dead for sure, and that the car at minimum sustained a great deal of damage. The 911 calls were now going out.
This scene plays out time and time again between the civic center fields and the Adventure Centre. The time is long overdue to have a managed wildlife corridor plan in place for this area.
John Buchanan