Editor's note: This letter was sent to Ian Roberts of Marine Harvest Canada. It was copied to The Chief for publication.
Re: Television ads on prime time are called "B.C. Salmon Facts TV spots" on YouTube while offering no facts at all and maligning the anti-fish farming lobby with accusations of misinformation.
These ads are made to look like "truth in advertising" ads, but are, in fact, the opposite.
What a shame that with all the money spent on those ads, $1.5 million I hear, that the fish farming interests have not the tiniest bit of actual information to offer. The fact is that, in the face of all the actual evidence that is well documented worldwide, the fish farming industry is carefully withholding information, from the public and government, on diseases and infestations and the environmental impact of the industry.
We should certainly be careful not to believe everything we hear, starting with these ads. This underhanded ad campaign is in very poor taste but not more so than can be expected from Marine Harvest Canada and its multinational Norwegian-based partners.
For actual information regarding fish farms and their impact on our wild salmon see http://www.farmsalmonfacts.com/
Then make up your own mind.
Dorte Froslev