[Squamish Youth Soccer Association] SYSA website states "The alternate all-weather field schedule is in effect for U13 to U18 divisions."
As a coach, I believe it is my responsibility to teach my team to respect the rules, the decisions of the administrators and to play to the best of their abilities no matter what the weather conditions are.
Why on Nov. 14 were the travel teams allowed to play a 10:30 a.m. game even though the district and the SYSA officials had posted a closed sign on the fields? Our team played at 9 a.m. on the all-weather fields, and I noticed that the other senior girls team played at 3:30 p.m. on the all-weather fields, even though there was not much rain today.
It is my understanding that these rules have been put in place to protect the fields from being damaged and the safety of the players.
Being a lifetime resident of Squamish (player and coach) I appreciate our fields and have had many good years of sports here as a child and with my children.
With respect to all volunteers, I believe soccer is an equal opportunity sport for everyone and the rules, regulations and decisions should apply to all users of the fields with no exceptions.
Donald Burns