The article by Helmut Manzl detailing old and recent housing bubbles, and development "manipulating," is interesting vis-a-vis the headline story on GAS ["Squamish's 100 years of development snafus," "Council divided over GAS," The Chief, Sept. 11].
GAS is claiming that there has been enough public input, and that the district can "suspend the local planning process," yet in fact this may be untrue.
There remain serious questions about sewage, water and other needs of GAS such that council members are saying they do not have sufficient information.
Are we to believe that Gordon Campbell has our best interests at heart, or will he instead listen to the well- connected backers of GAS, and overrule any local concerns?
It feels like a steamroller is gathering speed, with promises of jobs for local contractors as the enticing carrot. Where is the vision we expect of council?
Or are they totally confused by a moving fuzzy target which may already have bypassed them?
Hugh Kerr