I am writing in response to John Buchanan's letter in the June 5 issue of The Chief regarding David Suzuki's "wake up call" on the environment.
Wow! I really appreciate John's passion. Sometimes sparking fear in someone can lead to action.
The economy, the environment, the Olympics, the SSC, GAS, the Adventure Centre, Tourism Squamish, and the SODC appear to be the heavyweight hot buttons in this community.
Some of us feel strongly pro or opposed to many of these issues. However, in our last municipal election Squamish residents voted and if the election results are an accurate reflection of our very diverse and passionate community, then they should demonstrate what the majority of what Squamish locals really value.
Said simply, protecting our natural heritage and advocating environmental sustainability were certainly not make-or-break platforms in the last election (mental note to new and existing residents of Squamish for the next election).
If you read John's letter in The Chief and share his passion about our Mother Earth, then please become a member of our local not-for-profit environmental advocacy group, Green Squamish (the operating name of the Squamish Environmental Conservation Society). Their website is www.greensquamish.ca and annual membership dues are only $20. They are also looking for volunteers. Spread the word.
You can also get involved in the next municipal or federal election by joining campaign efforts of candidates with dedicated environmental platforms.
You may also want to consider applying to be on the board of directors of the Squamish Oceanfront Development Corporation (deadline is June 22).
They are currently looking for applicants and it would be great to have someone on their board with a passion for the environment.
Lastly, as a community let's send a message to all levels of government that we want to up our ranking on environmental responsibility.
We're a global village and if Canada ranks second last among developed countries, then this means there are many villages around the world doing a better job than us. Let's study them and learn from them.
The stats are in and we all know they suck. So let's get busy! Let's get more solution based in our dialogue, let's organize and send a stronger message (a collective voice) to all levels of government, let's join or support organizations mandated to preserve our natural heritage, and let's strive to become a sustainable community that others want to emulate, not criticize.
Michelle Neilson