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I am flabbergasted, aghast, dumbfounded and any other colourful synonym that you might like to use to describe how much people in Squamish have become a squabbling bunch of nine-year-olds. All I hear is GAS this, GAS that. Down with corporate stores.

I am flabbergasted, aghast, dumbfounded and any other colourful synonym that you might like to use to describe how much people in Squamish have become a squabbling bunch of nine-year-olds.

All I hear is GAS this, GAS that. Down with corporate stores. Down with green energy. Down with giving the native's the right to use their land as they please. Down with progress.

I remember many years ago people in Squamish fought tooth and nail to keep Squamish from becoming like Whistler. They invited businesses in with open arms. With all their might they fought a battle that slowly shifted Squamish into an exact copy of Whistler minus the great skiing. Let's compare shall we?

Whistler. No large commercial businesses to employ the local residences or supplement the local government tax base. Squamish, ditto. (Unemployment high for the locals.)

Whistler. Hiring persons not of the local area usually employing out of country and giving out work visas. Squamish, ditto. (Unemployment high for the locals.)

Whistler. Disproportional amounts of funding geared to tourism or bike/hiking trails instead of fixing or building much needed infrastructure. Squamish, same. (Infrastructure failure evidence seen on a daily basis.)

Whistler. Little to no government services for the local residences. Squamish, same.

One other thing I should mention that most residents of Squamish have probably neglected to look at is taxes. Large commercial business pay a lot of taxes into the local coffer, but since the majority of the "concerned" citizens of Squamish have either screamed revolution or cried wolf about commercial businesses, they have either left or looked elsewhere to build. Where is the District of Squamish going to get these taxes?

Here's a hint. It has doors and windows and you live in it - ding, ding, ding. That's right, the local taxpayers are going to have to foot the bill for the missing income. Let's look at that comparison again.

Whistler. Taxes are second highest home taxes next to Vancouver. Squamish, third highest tax base in the province?

You think I'm joking. Ask yourself this, where is the District of Squamish going to get money to maintain the status quo? Not from me. I rent so my taxes worried are minimal.

"But we need to preserve the natural environment," I can hear them screaming now. Paved parking lots at the base of the Chief allow mountain climbing. Groomed trails allow bike riding and running. Roads cut through perfectly good forest for hiking and kayaking. Power and water and bathrooms allow camping.

Ah yes save the environment but not at the cost of convenience. The ultimate contradiction.

J. Bechard


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