It is with great sadness I learn the beloved community of Squamish cannot embrace and outdoor event in the "Outdoor Recreation Capital of Canada"! The Whistler GranFondo is complete now and after four years still a success, and this has to do in part with a strong presence from volunteers who call Squamish home, and sponsors like Dave and Sandra from Corsa Cycles. Thank you!
I understand for three or four hours on a Saturday morning, once per year, the traffic delays are a nuisance or just unwanted; however, think of all those we accommodate (approximately 4,000 riders, plus volunteers, and riders' friends or family) by allowing them this time to explore the Sea to Sky, and be exposed to Squamish in hopes they will return. Yes, it is a hope these people will return to Squamish, and it is a safe bet that most will! So I think with patience and understanding, three or four hours is not asking much. Besides, local races have been known to inconvenience traffic as well, and we have learned to adapt.
A simple solution is not to have events or other agendas scheduled the same day as GranFondo, which seems to be a reoccurrence each year. Another is to ride your bike, take a walk, or even go down to where "all the buzz" is taking place and soak it in. Otherwise, keep complaining, but do so knowing it won't solve anything except a quest for self-bitterness.
Michael Enders