This letter was copied to The Chief for publication.
Mayor and councillors,
I've sent an article that appeared in Kootenay Mountain Culture (Issue 15, Summer 2009)magazine this month. Since its inception a few months ago, I've noticed that council has made some decisions that have made me question where its interests lay.
Squamish, in my opinion, has potential to be an incredible community; one that is based on outdoor recreation, and a love for the environment.
Being in this position could enable you, the council, to be truly innovative in your policies to not just adopt policies taken by other progressive municipalities but rather to be the model that is copied throughout Canada and perhaps worldwide.
My fear however, is that as the highway nears completion, and as the Olympics approach, the community will develop at all costs. Adequate housing is obviously important. Having a sound development strategy as to whereand how big housing projects ought to be should also be important considerations.
Wildlife habitat, recreational use, and environmental impact should be paramount in any development decision.
I think we often become too focused on growth; perhaps we should endeavour at refinement. Instead of just making Squamish bigger, focus should be on making it better.
The article that I've attached tells the story of how Canmore has faced many problems since its massive growth (notably post-Olympics). The story sounds eerily like what is happening in Squamish right now.
I think all of you should read it, and perhaps keep it your frame of reference when making development decisions.
One excerpt from the article that I found particularly relevant:
"I hope the irony doesn'tescape you - developthe hell out of the place,then tell people to goelsewhere for recreation,the environment istoo fragile."
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope it helps.
Adam Raymakers