In response to the letter to the editor from Mr. Brian Vincent [“Whether from the left or right, violence is not the answer,” published Jan. 7], let me first begin with what we agree on — that violence to resolve differences of opinion in political life is never acceptable. I think we can all agree that in a civil society, this has no place whatsoever.
That said, I feel that in your letter there lies beneath the surface a false equivalency that violence on the left is equal to violence on the right, and neglects to acknowledge the power imbalance that exists to this between white people and people of colour, particularly in regards to law enforcement.
Some in the mob that approached the Capitol steps on Jan. 6 had murder in their hearts — they even brought the tools to do so (i.e. hangman’s noose for the vice president, pepper spray to combat police etc..) and it is nothing short of a miracle that they didn’t succeed — we’ve heard many harrowing stories of democratically elected officials fearing for their lives. What was this mob ‘protesting’ exactly? Were they protesting the right to not have to fear for their lives in a routine traffic stop because of the colour of their skin? Were they protesting the incarceration for profit of large numbers of people of their race in a for-profit prison system? Centuries of race-based oppression?
No. They were ‘protesting’ a conspiracy theory that the election was stolen, a theory peddled by their race-baiting president. This gang of thugs will surely go down as the sorest losers in human history. Compare the meagre police response (and selfie-snapping cop) with the BLM protests that were met with a militarized force on those same Capitol steps.
The FBI in the U.S. routinely conduct studies on the most dangerous security threats to the nation — white supremacy and right-wing extremism always top the list. Mass shootings — almost always perpetrated by white, white males. Blown up government buildings — same. Plot to kidnap the governor — same. Comparing violence on the right, with all its firepower, and largely (but not always) peaceful protest on the left is like comparing apples to hand grenades.
It’s clear to me that the greatest threat America faces is this new American Taliban, a shockingly large group of people that are allergic to evidence.
Let us be extremely wary of false equivalencies.
David Lavallee