The Squamish Public Library and Quest University Canada Lecture series continues on Thursday (March 18) at the library from 7 to 8 p.m. when professor Michael Hecht, Princeton University, departments of chemistry and molecular biology will speak on Synthetic Biology: From Protein Design Toward Artificial Genomes.
It is time to spring ahead to Daylight Savings Time this weekend when we set our clocks, watches etc. one hour ahead before we retire tomorrow evening (March 13).
Have you ever wondered what a day in a Waldorf classroom is like? On Monday, March 22, Cedar Valley Waldorf School will open its doors to interested students for the district Pro-D Day. Parents can send their children for a day to attend class at the appropriate level, from Grades 1 to 6. Space is limited. Contact the office at 898-3287 or [email protected] by Thursday (March 18) to reserve a spot. For more information visit
The Squamish Environmental Society will hold its monthly bird count on Sunday (March 14) with members meeting at the Howe Sound Inn and Brewing Company at 8 a.m. (D.L. Savings Time). With the warmer weather, participants will be looking for spring arrivals including humming birds and evening gros beaks. For more information, please call Judith at 604-892-3340.
Hilltop House residents will celebrate birthdays this month on Wednesday (March 17, St. Patrick's Day) at 2 p.m. when Dina Valleau, Hazel Balison, Bert McCrae, Leona Ingraham and Azizah Tahery are honoured.
The Over the Hill Hikers are doing a Brohm Lake hike on Tuesday (March 16) and members are asked to meet at the Yellow Gate at 9 a.m. For more information, please call Heather at 604-892-9003.
The Squamish Food Bank will distribute grocery hampers at the Alano Club on Third Avenue on Wednesday (March 17) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Healthy Brain Group will meet at the Mental Health Centre at 38075 Second Avenue from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday (March 16). These sessions are for seniors and prior to attending, please contact Delores at 604-892-6400.
On Thursday (March 18) at 1:30 p.m., the Squamish Seniors Creative Connections Group will host a discussion with the Squamish Oceanfront Development Corporation at the Seniors' Centre. The SODC is seeking input on the development of the oceanfront lands from seniors so please plan on attending.
The Tantalus Walking Club members are asked to meet at the Stump Lake Parking lot on Thursday (March 18) at 10 a.m. for a walk around Stump and Alice Lakes. Please take along a toonie for parking. Those wishing more information are asked to phone Joyce at 604-898-5594.
A seniors casino bus trip to the Grand Villa Casino in Burnaby is planned on Thursday, March 25. Please call Elaine at 604-898-5463 by Saturday, March 20 if you are interested in going.
The Squamish Hospice Society raffle of a quilt created and beautifully crafted by the Squamish Quilting Guild will be drawn during the annual Hike for Hospice on May 2. Raffle tickets will be available at Wal-Mart tomorrow (March 13) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Saturdays March 20 and 27 at Save-On-Foods.
The Caregivers Support Group will meet at the Squamish Seniors' Centre on Wednesday (March 17) from 3 to 4:30 p.m. If you wish more information, please call Donna at 604-892-6400.
On Thursday (March 18) the Squamish Trails Society will meet in the Squamish Arts Council building on Cleveland Avenue at 7 p.m. For more information, please call Bob Brant at 604-898-4698.
A People's Law School Speaker presentation on Wills and Estates will be given by Ian Davis from Race and Company on Tuesday, March 23, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Squamish Seniors' Centre. This free law class will cover all the essential information you need to know about Wills and Estates. It will cover revocation of a will, Power of Attorney, living wills and advanced health care directives. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions. This event is sponsored by the Squamish Seniors Creative Connections Group and the Seniors' Centre. To register or for more information, please call 604-848-6898.
The Women's Auxiliary to the Squamish General Hospital recently donated $1000 towards a new piano for the residents of Hilltop House. Drop by the Gift Shop at the hospital as there are some very nice items on display for Easter and the spring season.
The Squamish Helping Hands Society on Third Avenue is looking for more volunteers to help out. Do you have an hour or two or three to spare once in awhile? Drop by or call 604-815-4984 for more information.
The Rotary 200 Club held its grand draw at the weekly luncheon held at the Howe Sound Inn and Brewing Company on Thursday, March 4. The winners were: Bob Miller ($2000), John Drenka and Barb Grelson ($1000 each) and Doug Boyd ($200).
Tickets are now on sale at the Squamish Seniors' Centre for the monthly soup and sandwich day on Thursday, March 25 at 12 noon. If interested in managing your medications, please be at the centre on Thursday (March 18) from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Head to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #277 for an evening of bingo on Monday (March 15). The doors open at 5:30 p.m.
The Hearts in Motion Walking Club will meet on Ross Road ( across from the Mormon Church) on Friday, March 19 at 10 a.m. For more information, call Darleen at 604-892-2092 or myself at 604-815-0152.
The Squamish Gardeners' monthly meeting will be held on Monday (March 15) at 6:45 p.m. at the library and will feature a talk by Kristina Swerhun, the co-ordinator of the Sea to Sky Invasive Species Council. Non-members are welcome to attend for a $5 fee.