I have only written to The Squamish Chief once in my life. That was 20-something years ago, and I ended up being interviewed by CTV News. Back then, I was compelled to reach out to my community after a few Squamish locals beat the crap out of some Americans who were camping in town over the Canada Day/Fourth of July holidays—they even set fire to their tent like it was 1814.
Fast forward to real-time. I am compelled to reach out to my fellow Canadians before we burn our own house to the ground. Both sides of the border are angry; we need to diffuse this powder keg, fill it with beer, and roll out the barrel with our American brothers and sisters. We all seem to forget that in spite of our challenges, we still live in one of the most prosperous and privileged regions of the world.
Now, take a second to visualize yourself sitting across the table from a man who started his first family-funded business at the tail end of The Civil Rights Movement.
Maybe you think the solution is calling in the Conservative cavalry. Maybe you already got that “I heart Pierre” tattoo on your tush, but before you cast your vote, please watch the interview where Poilievre is eating an apple.
Peace be with you.
Erika Liechti