On Wednesday, Feb. 19, I had a 9:15 a.m. appointment at the Cancer Agency for blood work and a bone marrow biopsy (having been just diagnosed with lymphoma). My friend Gerry MacDonald kindly offered to drive me there and back. We left at 7:45 a.m. Just outside of Squamish, Gerry's truck broke down. While he called BCAA, I stuck out my thumb. Within minutes Jethro, a new homeowner in Squamish, pulled up in his truck. He drove me to Taylor Way where Perry, a longtime Squamish resident, who had seen Gerry's truck on the side of the highway and called it in to the radio to alert drivers, picked me up and delivered me to Waterfront Station, leaving me with clear directions on how to get to 12th and Broadway on the Canada Line. Once there, in a hop, skip and a jump I was at the Cancer Agency just a few minutes past 9:15.
It was an amazing morning spent with three of Squamish's finest men. All of these men not only went out of there way to help me, but all offered to provide rides home too. I would like to say thank you again to all three.
Nancy Henderson