I support the Garibaldi at Squamish (GAS) project. I have felt ostracised for this support of the project, but I believe the majority of Squamish citizens support it.
The squeaky wheels too often get the grease. This is a phenomenal opportunity to create a legacy for Squamish that will replace a municipal tax base that was lost after the closure of the mills and other resource based industries in Squamish.
This resort will create the needed well paying jobs in our community.
There has been much talk about Squamish's economy changing from a resource-based economy to a tourism based economy. This project would solidify and provide a catalyst for this economic progression, while at the same time develop spin-off industries.
Too often in our community the large percentage of citizens who support this project are silenced by the vocal minority who at the Environmental Assessment open house demonstrated their professionalism (or lack of there of).
There will be some environmental cost but the developers have done an exceptional job in addressing community concerns. Squamish is growing, as a community grows there will be environmental costs, we need to manage these costs and balance them with social and economic benefits.
The developers need to have meaningful dialogue with all community members.
If the Environmental Assessment is passed, the commitments made by the developer for environmental protection will form a legally binding contract between the developer and the province.
Now is the time to work cooperative with the developer to make recommendations not stick our heads in the sand saying "no, no, no."
Please go to the Environmental Assessment website and voice your support for this project.
There are only 16 days in the Environmental Assessment "public opinion" portion remaining to have your voice heard.
Jeff Levine