As SORCA members are having one of the greatest seasons this year, I would like to thank all the volunteers that have made this action-packed schedule possible for all members of SORCA and the outdoor adventurers of Squamish.
This past week was packed with the greatest volunteer actions made towards trail maintenance/construction of the year.
First we had our biggest trail day ever with 40 people out to help fix 19th Hole. Secondly I invite all of the community to go and see the new Mashiter trail bridge, it is an unbelievable piece of construction, brand new vital community linkage built out of necessity because of vandals.
I would also like to thank -and ask that you thank - the few individuals that made this happen: Peter Mortensen, Ken McNamara, Kathy Chambers, Todd Pope, Dave Gillie, Cameron, Cliff Miller, Dawn Mortensen and Manouane Michel; one name on the list should stand out more then the others and that is Peter Mortensen from RONA.
Peter was the first to notify people of the problem and then took on the project on at full speed.
This beautiful bridge is finished in record time thanks to Peter and his image of what could be better then before. The whole bridge has been replaced for everyone's safety and enjoyment.
Next time you're on the Mashiter and enjoying the bridge, please remember that volunteers like you did the building.
See you on the trails
David Gillie
President of SORCA