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The Raiser Files

As the end of summer looms on the horizon, I'm glad everyone is recharging their batteries during this August break.

As the end of summer looms on the horizon, I'm glad everyone is recharging their batteries during this August break. To be fair, I say break, but behind the scenes things are still going strong and we're certainly going to be coming in hot when council comes back in September.

First and foremost I'd like to formally welcome our new CAO Corien Speaker. As anyone can tell you, the good ship Squamish is no easygoing vessel and it's great to have her energy and enthusiasm on board. As well, welcome to our new transportation coordinator Kimberly Armour, helping us with one of council's top priorities.

So what's on first in September? Well, for starters backyard chickens will be back on the agenda. I do find it difficult to reconcile the fact that we are a community living with wildlife, yet we allow outdoor cats and fruit trees but not chickens. I'm hoping we can pass this and move on to bigger issues.

Also on the list is the completion of the recreation master plan. This is huge news because for decades the district of Squamish has only listened to/heavily subsidized certain recreation groups while dismissing others as entitled whiners. It will be very exciting to finally sit down with real numbers and plan this community's recreation future, taking into account all users young and old.

September is also UBCM conference time when municipalities get together to communicate with the province. First step is for council to nail down specific topics to discuss with ministers and once there, it's also a good time to chat with fellow leaders about common issues/solutions. You can be sure there will be much Alberta pipeline and RCMP contract talk.

Every year there is the lively marijuana prohibition debate. How anyone can defend prohibition in 2012 is beyond me. I am optimistic because most agree we should just tax it. Why give a billion-dollar industry to organized crime when we can very easily tax it like booze, cigarettes, coffee, sugar and whatever insanity they put in energy drinks. There are still a few ideological holdouts, but most can do the math and are eager to do the right thing.

I'm also looking forward to relaxing our province's anti-business liquor laws. Being able to drink in movie theatres is a good first step, but not being able to drink at the lake or bring kids into pubs in the early evening is silly, and drinking in cages at events is simply not civilized.

Of course there is much more on the go, but I'll end as I always do with an invitation to sign up for my email newsletter (at or email me. It's a glimpse into this nutty job and a reminder that I'm here to listen so drop me a line any time.

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