When nearing the end of any important project, it's always important to look back and take stock. And what is more important than being a municipal councillor? As hard as it is to believe, I have been your honourable member of council for the last three years and I must say it was a pleasure. Oh, sure, I didn't get to do everything on my list, but I did manage to be on the same side for many, many fantastic initiatives.
Personally I'm proud to say I campaigned very hard to hire a grant writer and our new CAO did, to great success. As a team we also launched the Service Squamish Initiative: a long-overdue, full-scale re-tooling of the organizational structure at the district. We also did an infrastructure assessment, started working on a public art policy, completed the OCP and Trails Master Plan and signed an accord with the Squamish Nation. To name just a few.
So here we are in the twilight of this council, with lots of issues to tie up or set up for the next council. One big thing we have left is the UBCM Conference (taking place as this edition of The Chief goes to press). This is where all the mayors and councillors lobby the Province on the staggering amount of issues we're faced with. This year we have meetings with Minister Pat Bell to discuss SODC funding opportunities and Minister Shirley Bond to discuss fire and policing costs. Success is always hit-and-miss with the ministers but what is invaluable is the knowledge that you can mine from thousands of people at the municipal and provincial level. Plus there are the resolution sessions - personally I'm looking forward to hearing all the information around the province's smart-meter plan.
Finally, as you no doubt have noticed we're quickly heading into municipal election time in Squamish. Many have been asking me if they should run. My answer is always yes, since there is no better way to get to know your community. That "yes" is then followed by double barrels of the truth as to what it's like to run, to lose, and to win. If you need one of these talks, just shoot me a line anytime.
Otherwise I'm proud to be on this page in The Chief for the fifth consecutive election (12 years) to simply write - please vote. Now, I know if you're reading a Council Corner in this paper you are one of the few who actually pay attention and vote (thank you so much). It is of the utmost importance you share your knowledge and passion for this community and engage as many people as you possibly can to get informed, and get out and vote.
That's it for now. Thanks for reading and if you haven't already, please sign up for my monthly email newsletter (at http://www.bryanraiser.com). Not only do you get a glimpse into this nutty job but it also reminds you that I'm here to listen. And that point is huge, since this job is all about communication.