With Bill Whatcott's case regarding the "hate speech flyers" being heard before the Supreme Court, I wish to speak up regarding the whole issue on whether religious groups should be free to speak out against what they regard as "sinful and offensive."
I myself am a Christian. I hold Whatcott's believe that homosexuality is immoral. But I do not hate those who practice homosexuality, because we are committed to love our neighbours as ourselves. This is the second most important command in all of Scripture. God holds us responsible if we do not give even our enemies the love due them.
Homosexuals are still human beings, and deserve to be treated as such. We claim no right to be better than they are, simply because we are also sinners, no better than anyone. However, just as they are given freedom to promote their values, we expect the same equality, the same freedom from our government to speak up on our values. We express no hatred towards anyone; they have nothing to fear from us.
So to Bill Whatcott, I applaud you for your courage to stand up for your belief and I encourage all people, Christians or not, to be free to speak up what you believe.
Joshua Lee